About Us


The League of Welldoers receives no funding from either local council or central government for its core activities and relies almost entirely on the generosity of individuals and its own fund raising activities to make ends meet.

However, since April 2008 it has received an annual grant from Liverpool City Councils Community Resources Programme, which enables it to provide additional services which include, twice weekly shopping trips, outings during the Summer months and transport for other organisations to join us for daily lunches and the many other activities on offer.

If you would like to make a small monthly regular donation please visit the donations page or contact us by phone or email, and dont forget if you are a tax payer we can also claim gift aid on your donation, every little helps. Thank you.

If you would like to become a member and join in the fun and make new friends the annual subscription is £12.00. (Renewal 1st April) each year. Members receive various discounts on many of our activities, plus a bi-monthly newsletter with all the latest information and events.

Here is a few of the activities we have to offer,

  • A fabulous pensioners club which meets every weekday
  • Daily lunches (Monday to Friday) from 11.30am till 12.45pm   – all cooked on the premises at unbeatable prices ( see photos of newly refurbished dining room on media page)
  • Monthly Shows  1.30 till 4.00pm (check events page for dates)
  • Weekly chair exercises (Free) see events page.
  • Every Tuesday Ukulele classes, beginner and advanced.
  • Regular concerts, holidays and outings.
  • Fabulous charity shop on the premises, open weekdays between 10.30am-1.30pm.
  • Meeting rooms for groups large & small ( Unbeatable Rates).
  • Catering for meetings at a very reasonable charge.
  • Off road parking for 30 cars. (Free)
  • Community garden, receiving outstanding award at North West in Bloom 2011 presentation. ( see latest photos of improvements made recently on media page)
  • Lee Jones Amateur Boxing Club for ages 8 and over.

Please contact  Tony or Vicky  for any further information.

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